
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Girl's Dream

Hello, dearies! After 4 months finally I'm willing to sit in front of my laptop to update my blog. Plan always keep up with changes, lots of thing occurred in the past 4 months.Whatsoever, life goes on, head up and be strong! :)

Somethings that I think every girls dreamt it before.  I found out some girl's dream pictures during slacked web social - Twitter. I'd drawn some inspiration from those pictures and I'm going to blog about these.

Wanted to fly. / meant for freedom; meant for chase the dreams, for me is.
The kind of unfettered freedom is all aspire it and everyone has their own dreams to chase. Set each other  freely, give a space for their own and encourage to chase the dream, whether successful or not, at least we have tried. Should paint the sky, make it yours.

Rose. / Most of the girls loves flowers, especially rose. Girls would happy if they receive the flowers in special day even the girls whom do not like the flowers they also will feel grateful and happy.
I'm not the type of person whom like the flowers, I think it's a waste, but when I receive the flowers from the special one, I'm just like a happy kid got her presents from the beloved one, it really surprisingly me.

Spa | Bubble Bath. / Keep calm and pamper yourself.
For a break; for relax. Girls should love herself, should pampered own-self sometime. Yay or Nay ;p

Everlasting love. / The only remedy for love is to love more.
Love is everlasting; infinite. It has no boundaries and no barriers. Love, is just like the universe, forever.