
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Christmas Eve 2014 @ Route 9

Merry Christmas! 

Ain't nobody do not like Christmas, it's public holidays, christmas events everywhere and can have a gathering with a bunch of friends to sharing the joyful moments!

It has been few years I'm celebrated the christmas eve with my friends. We actually planned to have a dinner, but the restaurant we wanted to pay a visit already fully booked and lastly we found out Route 9 still can make the reservation for 8 persons so we decided to!

It's the comfy place to chill, but the foods so-so only yet so expensive for the Christmas dinner set. Although that, we still have a lot of fun there. Exchange Christmas presents and take the photos like nobody cares! But, I'm still prefer girls day out more than unisex for the gathering due to we couldn't have fun as we could actually! 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

2014 ; 2015

Times flies! It's 2015 now, a brand new year; a brand new 365 blank pages.

#2014 it's a bittersweet year for me and also for all of you I think. Everything ran out of our expectation and the world didn't shown peaceful.

Personally, in #2014 I lost my precious, changed job, lost my phone due to mine careless, Boracay trip burned and etc. Although that, still had some happening events too, friends one by one getting married, family reunion and so on.

Besides, goes through every bad and unlucky things, thanks to all whose caring me and given me fully support in work and non-work time.

#2015, I was planned to travel with my beloved family and friends. Time is precious, must spend the good quality time with my family and friends, it's the most valuable things in my life rather than work like a robot, earn a lot, but forever alone.

Next, I think diet plan is in all of girls' wishlist and me too! I wish to cut down some weight like 2 or 3kg. :)  Need to put more effort on work out, no excuse! Haha

Gotta find out the new breakthroughs to enhance myself and have a new attempt. I believe work hard people really pay off, must try it out and get the better opportunities.

#2015, please be good to me and hopefully everything goes smoothly! Peace.